
about us

Skills through sport for Employability and Entrepreneurship – is an Erasmus+ Sport funded project which was born thanks to the cooperation between different partners from European countries, working locally and internationally in the field of education, employability, entrepreneurship and sport.

Sport4E Project addresses the objective of promoting education and skills development in and through sport by implementing activities specifically focused on the creation of useful, attractive, and immediate open educational resources aimed to the development and implementation of soft and transversal skills that from sport can be applied to work.

The project aims at using skills and competencies acquired by coaches and sport instructors to train young athletes and unemployed people in developing a set of professional hard and soft skills useful to integrate them into the labour market and promote entrepreneurship between youth. In this way it will be possible to generate labour through sport.

The main target groups of Sport4E project are:

  • Coaches and sport instructors
  • Youths and young athletes that can be supported by sport in integration into the labour market and/or in developing entrepreneurial paths
  • The Sport4e project follows the “European Union Work Plan for Sport 2021 – 2024” in which one of the priority areas is socio-economic and environmental dimensions of sport.


  • to identify the skills useful for accessing the Labour market that can be developed through sport Activities
  • to train sports instructors and coaches on how to transfer to athletes the key skills and competencies useful to enter the Labour market or develop entrepreneurial paths
  • to support dual career paths of young athletes
  • to enhance capacity building of young athletes in entrepreneurial skills
  • Promote the development of key competences in young athletes to access the labour market
  • to strengthen the link between educational and sport centres and association to the EU priorities in field of sport
  • to develop the cooperation among European organisation involved in sport activities, research, and studies


The project activities will be implemented by 6 partners of 5 different countries: Portugal, Italy, Germany and Hungary. The duration of the project is 30 Months.

  • Desk Research and best practices identification
  • Literature review and publication of an academic paper 
  • Survey development application for athletes and data analysis 
  • Development and validation of the survey templates for coaches and HR stakeholders, data analysis
  • Development of focus groups guide and conducting focus groups and data analysis
  • Concept elaboration and design of the training program, development of training materials/modules
  • Publication of the training modules and guides on the CEIPES e-learning platform
  • Definition of the framework and the structure of the Methodology Guide of Career Development
  • Organization of SPORT4E seminars and workshops
  • SPORT4E PILOT Program – Training in Realistic Settings and development of learning films
  • Organisation of local dissemination events and the final international conference

WP 2 Participatory Action - Research Cycle, WP Leader: TUM

  • Qualitative and quantitative research on sport coaches’ capacity to use sport as a tool for development of skills and competencies functional to the labour market
  • Qualitative and quantitative research to investigate the level of entrepreneurial skills possessed by athletes and the competencies necessary to access the labour market that they already have or need to develop

WP 3 Training Program and Methodology Guide of Career Development, WP Leader: CEIPES

  • Creation of an e-learning training course (packaged in open educational resources materials (OER)) dedicated to coaches and sport instructors.
  • Methodology Guide of Career Development for young athletes aimed to assess and evaluate the potential of young athletes to access the current Labour market and/or get involved in entrepreneurship as a career.

WP 4 SPORT4E Pilot, Workshops and Learning films, WP Leader: SJPF

  • Pilot several training courses where coaches and sport instructors become trainers of youth, unemployed or migrants to support them in the development of a set of skills need to integrate or reintegrate into the Labour market or/and develop entrepreneurial paths.
  • The videos shot during the Pilot, the workshops with several experts and the lessons on the sports field will make up the SPORT4E learning films.


As part of the SPORT4E initiative, free seminars and workshops are being organized across five partner countries: Portugal, Spain, Germany, Hungary, and Italy. These SPORT4E workshops aim to equip athletes with essential career development skills.
This innovative program, titled "Skills through Sport for Employability and Entrepreneurship" (SPORT4E), is designed specifically for coaches and sports instructors who are eager to enhance their professional competencies and succeed in the job market.
The next meeting will take place in Zaragoza, Spain, on the 17th and 18th of October 2024. We will be sharing more news until then. Stay tuned!
